
Lots of Great Stock Arriving!!!

I Dream Elephants is excited about our new Spring/Summer Collection and I hope you are too. We really give our collections a lot of thought. We want to present our customers with a great selection of really cool pieces, that make up great outfits. A couple new brands that will be on the website soon are: American Outfitters and Bazaar d'Etoiles. American Outfitters is from Belgium and Bazaar d'Etoiles from Paris, France. To give you an example of Baazar d'Etoiles. These images are from their Autumn/Winter Collection but you can get an idea of what their style is like. Super chic.

Other things happening in the I Dream Elephants world:
West End Lane Books have a story time every thursday 4pm with Vicky Brown - a lovely lady who reads her and her kids favourite stories (age 3-7).  
For more information, visit their website: 
277 West End Lane 
West Hampstead
They have a special guest on 17th of february (she played in Harry Potter as well)

Special Guest Appearance: Imelda Staunton joins us for Story Time this February

On Thursday 17th Feb at 4pm we are delighted to welcome a guest appearance at Story Time of local award-winning actor Imelda Staunton.   She is also the voice of many of Julia Donaldson’s books on CD including the much-loved Gruffalo.  She will be joining our resident storyteller, Vicky Brown.  Come and hear Imelda read in person and join in the fun.  Ages 3-7 welcome.  Storytime will continue throughout half-term too.   Do let us know if there are any favourite books that you would like us to feature.

 If you have anything interesting happening in your neck of the woods, email us at and we will post your event on our blog. I Dream Elephants is always interested in things happening around London and the rest of the world for your little ones and for you. 

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