
Soft Gallery SS15 "The voyage"

 We have always been great fans of Danish label Soft Gallery. The combination of beautiful artwork and clothes always works perfectly in their creations. This season in the collection called "The Voyage" we again get treated with wonderful colours, patterns and the typical Soft Gallery arty creatures. Yum!

Here below their own poetic words on the SS15 collection "The Voyager" 

A Voyager is he who is curious about life. Someone who searches for new adventures and for
whom a stranger is a friend he hasn't yet made. And just like happiness, "Le Voyage" is a state of
mind. It's about being the master of your own ship and only setting sail when you, as Charles
Baudelaire, declares: "O Death, old captain, it is time! Let’s weigh anchor".

The Soft Gallery SS15 collection "Le Voyage" embraces the idea of discovering new destinations
and foreign cultures - traveling by sea, by air and by land: The glory of the setting sun upon the
purple sea, the wonders of the infinite dunes of sand in the desert, the thin air on the top of a
mountain, the carnival of exotic fish in the deep ocean, the skyline of New York City and the magic
life taking place in the long shadows of the tall buildings. The stars and waves, the sands and shores
- the essence of summer is meeting the people, tasting the food, feeling the passion - and adding to
the collection of memories that is the story of the voyager.

A glad heart of a young traveler and the boy playing with his globe and stamps. Ice cream running
down the hand and the first bite of the sweet, red, watery melon. The smell of rain on the wet
pavement and the salty breeze from the ocean on a hot summer day. Butterflies fluttering, floral
wreath and flimsy dresses and bare feet in the tall lush grass. Listening to the song of waves in the
conch shell, wondering if the zebra is black with white stripes or white with black stripes. Such is
the memory of childhood summers and such are the essential components of "Le Voyage".

Below some of the styles that will soon be available in our shop! Keep watching here:


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